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Based in Melbourne, Australia, Victoria Konya writes children’s stories and poems inspired by a love of nature, animals, music and family adventure.

Victoria is passionate about instilling a love of reading in children from an early age, and has set out to contribute to this cause by writing humorous and heart-felt stories with authentic and endearing characters that children will love.

A lawyer by profession, her interest in creative writing was rekindled whilst pausing her career to raise a family. Amidst the chaos of raising a newborn, toddler and dachshund during the pandemic, ideas emerged unremittingly, so she quickly invested in a notebook.

A number of creative writing courses, late nights and draft manuscripts later, she is now chasing her dream of publication.

She regularly takes advantage of her two little gatekeepers at home, to ensure her characters and plots are enticing.  “I love how children have an innate curiosity about the world around them,” she said. “I endeavour, as much as possible, to stimulate this curiosity in my writing.”

She has completed courses by the Australian Writers’ Centre (AWC), Julia Donaldson, Jackie Hosking and Creative Kids Tales (CKT). She has since been published in The Dirigible Balloon poetry webzine, and is currently developing a number of picture book manuscripts.

She is actively involved in the children’s book industry as a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), Australian Society of Authors (ASA) and online writing groups including AWC Creative Writing Graduates, Sunshine House Writers and Creatives, and The Versealots.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws.

About: About Me
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